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HOLTEK合泰半导体成立于2012年,隶属台湾盛群半导体股份有限公司(HOLTEK SEMICONDUCTOR INC.)之东莞子公司。合泰负责Holtek产品在中国之研发、生产、销售及售后服务。

HOLTEK合泰半导体营业范围主要包括单片机(MCU) IC及其周边组件的设计、研发与销售。自1998年成立以来,HOLTEK合泰半导体不断致力于新产品的研发及技术的创新,加上对市场趋势的掌握,期能提供广大电子市场最具竞争力的IC产品。

HOLTEK合泰半导体产品策略一直秉持着专注在『单片机(MCU)及单片机周边组件(MCU Peripherals)』为发展主轴,不断发挥与建立MCU专业公司形象,并扩大MCU的应用领域与服务层次来创造更多的发展空间。目前HOLTEK合泰半导体产品范围包括有泛用型与专用型微控制器(MCU),涵盖语音、通讯、计算机外设、家电、医疗、车用及安全监控等应用领域,此外并提供各种电源管理、LCD/LED驱动/控制芯片、超高解晰度指纹辨识Sensor与各类型传感器模块等外围组件,期能以提供客户更具功能性的完整解决方案为产品发展目标。

Holtek Semiconductor is a leading professional IC design house in Taiwan having its major business activities focused in the area of microcontroller and peripheral component design and marketing. From its origins in 1998, the company has continuously focused its energies in the advancement of new product development and skills innovation. Holtek's ability to keep in line with market trends, has given Holtek the means of releasing a wide range of highly successful and extremely competitive IC devices.

With its headquarters and research and development activities located in the prestigious Hsinchu Science Park, Holtek has also built up a global sales network location reaching out to all important countries and regions around the globe. Holtek's product development strategy is firmly focused in the two areas of microcontroller and microcontroller peripheral devices. In this regard the company has developed and established its image as a professional MCU designer with the expanding MCU application area and service levels creating more room for new development. Presently the Holtek Semiconductor device range includes general purpose and specialised types of microcontrollers, which in addition to being used in general purpose applications, also see specialised use in the voice, communication, computer peripheral, household appliance, medical equipment, automotive and security etc. application areas. Additionally, Holtek supplies a range of power management devices, LCD and LED drive/control chips, ultra-high resolution fingerprint identification sensors and a variety of sensor modules and other peripheral devices, ensuring that customers are supplied with a functionally comprehensive set of device solutions.
To maintain its continued business growth, Holtek, in addition to continuing to expand the range of products within its present device range, based on the semiconductor industry's superiority in its vertical division of labour, will further integrate its upper and lower related resources, and with its professional semiconductor design, wafer manufacturing and package testing, be able to provide customers with a total solution service, and improve overall efficiencies. In this challenging information age, Holtek fully intends to take the necessary steps to ensure the continued growth of its business to new heights, in the process providing a winning solution alike for both Holtek and its customer.

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